“Jeff has assisted us in developing our management team. He has coached myself, the management team, and the entire firm to enhance our communication skills and efficiency. With more organizational structure our overall efficiencies and communication has vastly improved. The coaching and mentoring process is an on-going effort and the real results require an investment of time and dollars to get the desired impacts.”
Lynn Rust CPA, Keene, NH
Call Jeff Saari at 603-762-4866 for a free consult.
Leadership Coaching for claremont NH area manufacturing businesses and non-profits
We are helping leaders in claremont NH improve their management style, become better at prioritizing, reduce stress and become more overall emotionally intelligent.
Jeff Saari, CEO of Workplace Culture Solutions and Visionary Coaching LLC, founded his company in 2007. His enthusiastic passion and life purpose is to support leadership and cultural excellence in businesses and organizations. He works with leaders to achieve a maximum level of emotional intelligence to share with their organizations. Jeff teaches communication and meeting facilitation skills, practices one-on-one and group coaching, and leads organizational retreats.
We work to improve your personal management skills on a long term basis!
We specialize in improving the following:
employee performance and commitment,
being on purpose,
role clarity,
getting the right things done,
self-mastery, and
dealing with fear and frustration.
“My mission is to help create healthy leaders, healthy teams, and healthy businesses through coaching engagements.”
Small businesses make up roughly 96 percent of all businesses in New Hampshire, with a vast majority of those having 20 employees or less, or like mine, no employees. In the macro view, business sustainability is an important driver for the local and statewide economies. In the micro view, from my perspective, company culture is the driver for business success. To me, success is not only revenue growth, cash flow and profitability; success lies in how owners treat their employees, how it feels to work in the business and how well people collaborate for business outcomes. In a recent article in the New York Times called “Group Study,” written by Charles Duhigg, it outlines a premise called psychological safety. Psychological safety is a “sense of confidence that the team [including the owner] will not embarrass, reject or punish someone for speaking up. It describes a team climate characterized by interpersonal trust and mutual respect in which people are comfortable being themselves.” It takes real courage and hard work to steward a positive workforce. In doing so, there is a payoff, a light at the end of the tunnel. As leaders make strides to learn about themselves through the eyes of others, it becomes less hard. An when the mask is removed, all of that energy of avoidance and blame gets released into company results. And results matter.
For more information check out Self-Aware Leadership and Its Impact on Business by Jeff Saari
Jeff Saari has helped Ted Benson become a better manager with his company Bensonwood.
Tedd Benson, founder of Bensonwood.
Like many entrepreneurs, Tedd Benson says he founded his company almost “inadvertently.” After being hired for a string of freelance building jobs in the early 1970s, Benson opened up his own shop with few resources and a big dream: to revitalize timber framing — a bygone building technique used to fashion historic homes and structures in the mid 19th century.
How do you define culture at Bensonwood?
Tedd Benson: “It all boils down to servant leader culture — serving others as opposed to leading or managing them. I believe deeply in this concept, and it has to come from a place of authenticity. It’s about recognizing that the people around you have potential that needs to be tapped, and tapping that potential is an engendering process — not a pulling or pushing process.
Your peers often have more potential than they know and certainly more potential than you know, and the idea is: How can we get those best selves to rise? Team members who work as their best selves have a sense of ownership and a real authority to manage what’s in front of them. That is what’s the most empowering. But the process of getting there is often hard to define, because it’s different than managing or coaching. It may include all of that, but it’s also much more.
Think of your role as a parent: You want your child to feel loved, and your child will not feel loved just because you said, “I love you.” They will not rise to their best selves because you said, “I believe in you.” There’s something more, and that something more is completely intangible. It’s bigger, it’s harder to reach, but it’s what makes us alive and at our best.”
More information about Bensonwood
Source: Conscious Company Media
recent college presentation
Learn more about Jeff Saari’s coaching techniques and how he helped Keene State College students with stress managment.
serving the claremont NH area
about claremont, nh
Claremont, NH is the only city in Sullivan County, New Hampshire, United States. The population was 13,355 at the 2010 census.
Before colonial settlement, the Upper Connecticut River Valley was home to the Pennacook and Western Abenaki (Sokoki) peoples, later merging with members of other Algonquin tribes displaced by the wars and famines that accompanied the European settling of the region.
The Monadnock Mills Co. and Sullivan Mills Co. were responsible the two most prominent collections of manufacturing structures in the Lower Village District. Monadnock Mills' textile operations began with its founding in 1842, and lasted through 1932, shuttering operations following the decline of the textile industry in New England during the 1920s. By the 1920s, Sullivan Mills Co. had become New Hampshire's largest machining company, as well as Claremont's largest employer. Sullivan's Machinery division merged with Joy Mining Machinery in 1946, becoming Joy Manufacturing Co.
Arts and culture
Claremont’s City Hall building houses the historic Claremont Opera House.
A commercial area centered on Washington Street is Claremont's primary commercial district. An Italian Renaissance-styled City Hall building, which houses the historic Claremont Opera House, was built in 1897 and designed by architect Charles A. Rich. City Hall faces Broad Street Park, a rotary-style town square.